
Why and how am I taking notes?

Anh-Thi Dinh
This is a quick & dirty draft, for me only!
You might have noticed that I frequently adjust my website for note-taking. As of now, this version pleases me the most as it facilitates taking notes while I'm learning or working. But why is note-taking so important to me? Let's delve into the reasons.
People constantly strive to create tools that simplify their lives. They work hard to afford themselves moments of laziness. I am no exception. In a world brimming with information, we continuously consume new knowledge, regardless of its relevance to our work or life.
Sometimes, you encounter a familiar piece of information, but you can't quite recall the details. Naturally, this can be frustrating. You might even wish for a "second brain" - a place to store everything you've learned for easy retrieval at any time.
In 2016, I faced a significant health issue related to my eyes. I had to continually use corticosteroids to treat this unusual condition over the course of a year. A side effect of this treatment was memory loss. As my need for knowledge increased, my memory capacity dwindled. I had to find a solution to this problem, and taking notes was the answer!
Often in my educational journey, I encounter new information and remember it on the day I learn it. However, in subsequent encounters, I have to retrace my steps to recall it, albeit a bit faster each time. This process can be frustrating, as it seems to take a long time to recall what I've learned.
I've found that taking notes on physical paper with a real pencil is most effective. Even with the advent of tablets like the iPad or Galaxy Tab, they don't quite compare to the traditional method. However, modern life often doesn't permit the use of physical notebooks. We're constantly changing locations and need to quickly find specific pieces of information among numerous notebooks. Searching through these can be time-consuming.
I've come to realize that the primary advantage of note-taking is the ability to retrieve information efficiently. The quicker and more efficiently we can search through our notes, the better they serve their purpose.
Taking notes has a significant benefit: it enhances our memory of what we read or learn. Though I haven't looked for a specific research to support this, I believe the evidence exists. Traditionally, handwriting notes is more effective than typing or copying and pasting text. When you write in your own words or restructure the information, your brain organizes things more efficiently.
From my personal experience, I noticed an interesting phenomenon when I took notes for my PhD project and during my first job as a Data Scientist. Although I couldn't remember exactly where I had noted certain information, I could recall whether it was on the left or right side of the book (even on the top or bottom of the page). It's a mystery, but it has made me confident in my visual memory.
During my master's studies, a professor advised us to write everything on one side of the paper. He argued that this approach would help us better manage the problem we were working on. He recommended against splitting information across multiple pages, as this could cause us to quickly forget previous notes when looking at a new page. His advice was invaluable, and it's why I prefer to use a large notebook (size A4) instead of smaller ones.
When taking notes traditionally (on paper), the "feel" of the process is crucial. Choose quality paper and a comfortable pen to enhance your writing experience and foster a greater love for writing.
It's easy to spend too much time on organization and design initially, only to neglect these aspects later. Don't fall into that trap. Focus on the content, let your thoughts guide your writing, and avoid getting too caught up in appearances, as it could interrupt your flow of thoughts. While beautiful notes are appealing, remember that the main purpose of your notes is to aid your recall of information, not to impress others.
Strive to stay motivated so you can take notes more often and efficiently. However, always remember the primary purpose of note-taking—it's to help information stick in your mind.
When choosing a note-taking app, find one that enables you to search your notes quickly, and capture and paste images swiftly. Utilize the tools available to boost the speed of your note-taking.
Remember, the first step is understanding note-taking is for you!
When job hunting, showing your notes to others can also be beneficial. Once you are comfortable with writing, typing, and organizing, you can begin to design more aesthetically pleasing notes. That's what I do on this site, still in the initial stage. I maintain notes in two styles - raw notes for my personal use, and polished notes for both myself and you.