Azure things

Anh-Thi Dinh
This is a quick & dirty draft, for me only!
Health check
Azure sẽ gởi pingpong đến 1 endpoint tạo trên server để check status của nó. Thường app service sẽ chạy trên nhiều instances khác nhau, instance nào die thì cái health check này sẽ hiển thị. Official doc.
Location: Home → App Services → <service name> → Monitoring → Health check
Trong đây có chỗ “Health probe path” để điền endpoint cần vào.
Home → App Services → <service name> → Monitoring → Health check
Còn cái này là coi xem giai đoạn nào server trục trặc (timestamp). Nó nằm trong Metrics (Azure Monitoring).
Bug: Deployment Failed, Error: Failed to deploy web package to App Service. Conflict (CODE: 409)
This error usually occurs when there is a conflict between the files that are being deployed and the files that are already present on the server
Try (source)
  • Add variable WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM and set it to true
  • Increase the power of the app.
Bug: Deployment Failed, Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details
One solution:
  • On Azure daskboard → enter the project → Deployment → Deployment Center → Settings → Under Github, click “Disconnect” → then re-authorize
  • After that, re-deploy (via Github Action, for example).
Other (not tested yet): this SO.